Sunday 28 July 2013

Self esteem

Having a high self esteem generally means you generally regard yourself in a positive light. Esteem means respect and admiration; typically for a person. So obviously, self esteem means self respect or self admiration.
Most people these days don't have high self esteem and the media doesn't exactly help their cases.

Reason some people have low self esteem:

The media portrays what is supposed to be the perfect lifestyle, with the perfect body and face.
 This leads to low self esteem as people don't realise that it is all fake.

For me, my self esteem changes according to the situation- that's probably what it is like for many people. When I'm around peers that I feel like are cleverer than I am or better looking than I am, I regard myself in quite a negative light. Here are some of the things that help me to improve my self esteem whenever I'm feeling low.
Ways to improve self esteem:
1. Think of good things about you. Make a list and read through it, then feel happy.
2. Be thankful for everything materialistic you have- no matter how little.
3. Remember to smile
4. Avoid trying to be perfect
5. Avoid people who pick out your flaws