Sunday 19 May 2013

20 Facts About Me

Hey I'm Aisha!
Well because it's my first blog-post, I was a bit unsure about what to do. So after a while, I settled for '20 fact about me' as you can probably tell from the title. Lets's begin!

1. I can speak 2 languages and I'm learning 3. Yoruba( a Nigerian language- because I'm Nigerian) and English.. obviously. I'm learning Spanish and French at school and Arabic at home. I have to say that my Arabic is progressing VERY slowly. Oh, and I also want to learn Italian.

2. Whenever the sun is out, I basically become Tigger. This is a rare occasion as I live in England which is known for its foul weather.  

3.  I lived in Nigeria for 7 years until I moved to England.

4. My favourite colour is red. My favourite colour combo is black and gold.

5. I am very self-conscious. Well, I guess it comes with being a teenage girl.

5. Internet is my daily need.

6. I wear glasses

7. I wear a hijab, I'm a Muslim and no, I'm not a terrorist

8. I'm single ;) Hit me up ..... Just kidding, I don't do teen relationships :D

9. My initials are A.A.A

10. I have 4 sisters.

11. I can be crazy but only around people I know well. I worry that I come across as rude when I can't carry conversation on with strangers.

12. I'm not very good at partying.

13. I like writing stories :D

14. I like languages. Someone has called me a linguist before. That made me happy.

15. I'm considering being a pediatircian when I'm older. I think.

16. I can't swim

17. I'm a netballer and an athlete. I enjoy different sports too, though.

18. I shouldn't listen to music.

19. I like researching and finding out about teen psychology and human interaction. Yeah, I know, not a normal pass-time for a 14 year old.

20.  One day in Wales, I jumped into a river. I knew I couldn't swim but I was feeling left out because all my friends were doing it. Long story short, I nearly drowned.


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